B I G - S C R E E N

j edgar


With Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Dustin Lance Black, Judi Dench

Written by Dustin Lance Black
Directed by Clint Eastwood

J. Edgar Hoover was a fascinating character who had as many flaws as he had drive to create a superior crime stopping force via the F.B.I.
Seen from his perspective having his biography written on the eve of being pushed out of the organization he helped to build, flashbacks relay his upbringing with a domineering mother, the elements he put in place to give the F.B.I. its edge, and some pivotal cases like the bank robber John Dillinger and the Lindbergh kidnapping.

A stern and obsessive man who wanted to live up to an image of himself, a key aspect of his life is his hidden relationship with colleague Clyde Tolson. The cross-dressing rumour gets brief and emotional exposition.

DiCaprio is a superb actor, but even though the aging make-up is brilliantly executed, it could not hide his boyish face, or youthful voice enough to have me completely pulled into this transformation.

PS. An aspect not highlighted in the movie is Hoover's suspected black roots. For more info on that, click here for a piece on author Millie McGhee who'd written two books on the subject.

4 / C
- Paul Blom

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- A - B - C

6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A: Multiple Viewing Potential
B: Deserves Another Look
C: Once Should Suffice

© 2012 - Flamedrop Productions